Easy to use cross-platform 2D game library
No Matches
TextLine Member List

This is the complete list of members for TextLine, including all inherited members.

draw() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
draw(Mat3 modelview) const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
getHeight() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
getSize() constTextLine
getText() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
getWidth() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
getX() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
getY() const (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setCenter(double x, double y) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setCenter(Vec2) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setPos(double, double) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setText(std::string) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setX(double) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
setY(double) (defined in TextLine)TextLine
step() (defined in TextLine)TextLine
TextLine(Font &, std::string text) (defined in TextLine)TextLine