Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- getAlpha() : Alpha, Rgba
- getBlue() : Color, Rgb, Rgba
- getBottom() : Drawable
- getCenter() : Drawable
- getGreen() : Color, Rgb, Rgba
- getHeight() : Drawable, ImageData, Video
- getImageHeight() : ImageData
- getImageWidth() : ImageData
- getImpl() : Font
- getLeft() : Drawable
- getLineHeight() : Font
- getPosition() : Widget
- getRed() : Color, Rgb, Rgba
- getRight() : Drawable
- getSize() : Drawable, FrameBuffer, TextLine
- getTextureID() : FrameBuffer
- getTextWidth() : Font, OutlinedFont
- getTop() : Drawable
- getUniformLocation() : ShaderProgram
- getWidth() : Drawable, ImageData, Label, Video