Easy to use cross-platform 2D game library
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NjnglJNGL's main namespace
 CAchievementUnlockable Achievement (also called Trophy)
 CAlphaObject representing only the Alpha Channel in an RGBA color
 CAppParametersParameters used to initialize the main window
 CChannelAn audio channel, different channels could be for example: "Music", "Speech" and "Sound Effects"
 CColorObject representing a RGB color
 CContainerHelper class to handle multiple instances of Widget
 CControllerObject representing one Gamepad controller
 CDrawableBase class for drawable objects with a position and a rectangle size
 CEffectBase class for effects that can be applied to jngl::Widget
 CExecutorExecutes a specific action, e.g. removes the Widget
 CFadeFades between two scenes, first fading to black and then fading to the new scene
 CFinallyHelper class which calls a function when being destroyed
 CFontFont loaded from a TTF or OTF file
 CFrameBufferImage framebuffer object which can be rendered on
 CContextLifetime object when the FrameBuffer is in use
 CImageDataContaining the pixel data of an image file
 CJobBackground job which stays part of the main loop independent of the active jngl::Work
 CKeyboardShortcutRepresents a keyboard shortcut, e.g. Ctrl+S
 CLabelSimple Widget displaying a line of text
 CMat33x3 matrix
 CMat44x4 matrix
 COutlinedFontSame as jngl::Font but adds an outline
 CPixelsScale-dependent pixels, corresponds to actual pixels on the screen
 CRectSimple struct for a rectangle, can be use with jngl::contains
 CRgbObject representing a RGB color, new version of jngl::Color (which will be deprecated in the future)
 CRgbaObject representing a RGBA color
 CScaleablePixelsScale-independent pixels, also called "screen pixels"
 CShaderFragment or vertex GLSL shader
 CShaderProgramLinked vertex and fragment shaders
 CContextLifetime object when the ShaderProgram is in use
 CSingletonInherit from this class to create a singleton that will be destroyed when your games exits
 CSoundFileSound loaded from an OGG file
 CSpriteHigher-level representation of an image
 CBatchWhile this object is alive, don't do any other draw calls. Should never outlive its Sprite
 CLoaderUse this class to load a Sprite asynchronously
 CTextRectangle shaped text block
 CTextLineRectangle shaped text (in contrast to jngl::Text this only represents one line)
 CVec2Two-dimensional vector
 CVertexPosition and texture coordinates
 CVideoOgg Theory video file
 CWorkActive state of the game, e.g. a menu or the game itself
 CZoomScales the ModelView matrix