Easy to use cross-platform 2D game library
▼Nboost | |
▼Nqvm | |
Cmat_traits< jngl::Mat3 > | |
Cmat_traits< jngl::Mat4 > | |
Cvec_traits< jngl::Vec2 > | |
▼Njngl | JNGL's main namespace |
CAchievement | Unlockable Achievement (also called Trophy) |
CAlpha | Object representing only the Alpha Channel in an RGBA color |
CAppParameters | Parameters used to initialize the main window |
CChannel | An audio channel, different channels could be for example: "Music", "Speech" and "Sound Effects" |
CColor | Object representing a RGB color |
CContainer | Helper class to handle multiple instances of Widget |
CController | Object representing one Gamepad controller |
CDrawable | Base class for drawable objects with a position and a rectangle size |
CEffect | Base class for effects that can be applied to jngl::Widget |
CExecutor | Executes a specific action, e.g. removes the Widget |
CFade | Fades between two scenes, first fading to black and then fading to the new scene |
CFinally | Helper class which calls a function when being destroyed |
CFont | Font loaded from a TTF or OTF file |
▼CFrameBuffer | Image framebuffer object which can be rendered on |
CContext | Lifetime object when the FrameBuffer is in use |
CImageData | Containing the pixel data of an image file |
CJob | Background job which stays part of the main loop independent of the active jngl::Work |
CKeyboardShortcut | Represents a keyboard shortcut, e.g. Ctrl +S |
CLabel | Simple Widget displaying a line of text |
CMat3 | 3x3 matrix |
CMat4 | 4x4 matrix |
▼CMouseInfo | |
CDown | |
COver | |
CMove | |
COutlinedFont | Same as jngl::Font but adds an outline |
CPixels | Scale-dependent pixels, corresponds to actual pixels on the screen |
CRect | Simple struct for a rectangle, can be use with jngl::contains |
CRgb | Object representing a RGB color, new version of jngl::Color (which will be deprecated in the future) |
CRgba | Object representing a RGBA color |
CScaleablePixels | Scale-independent pixels, also called "screen pixels" |
CShader | Fragment or vertex GLSL shader |
▼CShaderProgram | Linked vertex and fragment shaders |
CContext | Lifetime object when the ShaderProgram is in use |
CSingleton | Inherit from this class to create a singleton that will be destroyed when your games exits |
CSoundFile | Sound loaded from an OGG file |
▼CSprite | Higher-level representation of an image |
CBatch | While this object is alive, don't do any other draw calls. Should never outlive its Sprite |
CLoader | Use this class to load a Sprite asynchronously |
CText | Rectangle shaped text block |
CTextLine | Rectangle shaped text (in contrast to jngl::Text this only represents one line) |
CUpdateModelview | |
CVec2 | Two-dimensional vector |
CVertex | Position and texture coordinates |
CVideo | Ogg Theory video file |
CWidget | |
CWork | Active state of the game, e.g. a menu or the game itself |
CWorkFactory | |
CZoom | Scales the ModelView matrix |